Estate Planning

Estate tax planning is necessary to protect your assets for loved ones and future generations.

As your certified public accountant, we will work closely with your estate planning attorney to identify and clarify your goals, explain projected estate tax and other consequences, and recommend alternative strategies to ensure your assets are protected for future generations.

Other services we provide include:

  • Identifying any anticipated assets (remainder interests, life insurance proceeds, potential inheritances, etc)

  • Determining estate liquidity needs

  • Reviewing asset titling, and

  • Reviewing relevant documents (existing wills, trusts, insurance policies, retirement plans, etc.

Our focus on long-term client relationships gives us a special understanding of our client's family, finances, business, and lifestyle. In many cases, we've worked with several generations of family members. Having a long view of year-to-year finances helps us provide more accurate projections of how your estate will be affected by taxes, whether you desire to include charitable gifts in your will, and how various financial details of your estate may be executed.

These decisions are never easy, but they will be doubly difficult for your family if you and your spouse have not taken the time to conduct adequate estate planning. If you're ready to start this important planning process, please let us know.

Estate Planning Resources


Business Planning


Cash Flow and Budgeting Analysis